Some understanding about the details in Faster RCNN, based on the codes in tensorflow.
Big Question
Region Proposal Network
Some numbers
- The number of anchor boxes for one anchor target \(k = scale \times ratios\),
- The number of anchor boxes for one feature layer (which has \(W \times H\) grids), will get $ W H k $ anchor boxes. Every grid in the feature map (the output of a popular CNN without FC layers) will have \(k\) anchor boxes.
- Not like the ROI method, the size of features are fixed, but anchor boxes are rescaled by \(k\) regressors.
- The top-ranked RPN proposals are accurate.
- NMS does not harm the detection mAP and may reduce false alarms.
Add loss
Problems using it processing typhoon data
- Does NMS lead to loss of typhoon? Not really, the texture of typhoon is obvious in image.